2015年7月19日 星期日



Roasting coffees from Ethiopia can be incredibly tricky. While they are dense coffees, the beans are also a good deal smaller than other varieties (15+ screen) and they can behave rather delicately in the roaster. There can also be a great variability to the bean size in a coffee from Ethiopia as compared to a Kenya, Colombian, or Central American coffee. And not only does the bean behave delicately, but the flavors that you're trying to develop in the coffee are also delicate. This is not a coffee that you can bully with intense heat or one that will forgive you like a Kenya. Roasting Ethiopian coffees well is as much as a finesse game as there is in coffee roasting.

他可不像肯亞怎麼烘都好 在咖啡的國度中 烘焙衣索匹亞可說是最麻煩的挑戰
The quintessential cup qualities of the best Ethiopian coffees are the sweet floral notes, followed by the potent citrus notes. It's important to keep your eyes on the prize of the florals though, as many roasters get hung up on the lemongrass and citrus and end up roasting to that while burying the beautiful jasmine and honeysuckle notes. In some, the citrus and floral notes are perfectly married into bergamot. Ethiopian coffees are not for deeper roasting.

最好的特色 在於甜花香 並帶有微微檸檬味 但是最好的茉莉花 和蜂蜜味 常常被檸檬酸埋葬了
總之 檸檬和花香要結合 這種咖啡不適合深烘焙
Getting into Full City on an Ethiopian coffee might help push some of the gingery or clove spice notes, but chances are you'll lose most of the florals as they move into those more clove-like flavors. Roasting into Full City while making sure that no second crack occurs can be good for espresso roasts, but again you're mostly going to get gingery spice if not a bit of well developed mandarin orange citrus. 

如果烘到Full city 衣索匹亞咖啡有可能帶出薑 或香料味 但是你會失去所有花香
除非你是為了espresso, 但是還是一樣會帶香料味 或者成熟的柑橘味
The secret to bringing out the best of Ethiopian coffee is not just in roasting them lighter. The key really lies in the controlled velocity in 1st crack. The 1st crack in these coffees can start slow and then just keep trickling along without ever seeming to reach a defined conclusion. Allowing this to happen can result in some really muddled flavors in the cup or even just a lack of definition in the citrus notes and otherwise. While you don't want to dry out the coffee too quickly in the beginning stages, it's a good idea to make sure there's a little extra energy at least when you're going into first crack.

但秘訣不只是烘的淺而已 關鍵在於控制一爆的劇烈程度
一爆可以緩慢開始 並且慢慢持續 但這樣會得到一杯無聊的咖啡 幹 
Giving the roast a boost right before getting into the crack and making sure that there's a nice rolling vigorous crack is what you're aiming for. Don't push right on through; once there's a nice rolling crack you'll want to pull back on that energy or adjust the air (depending on your roaster) in order to make sure you don't get too short of a crack. You're looking for somewhere in the neighborhood of a good minute and a half to 1:45, and you want a clear end point to the crack as well without too many straggler pops.
給這個烘焙一些動能 在進入一爆前 並確定有活潑的一爆 確定時候 開始收火 並調整風門
避免一爆太劇烈太短 大約要持續 1:30 - 1: 45 並在crack還沒結束前就下豆了 

